Bulb. fascinator in Cultivation by Members

Found 4 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Adam Almeida Bulb. fascinator A small and slow-growing species from Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippines. It blooms in the summer and fall on a suberect, single-flowered inflorescence. The flower is relatively long-li... Read more This plant is grown in a three-inch pot filled with sphagnum moss as the media. It receives dappled light and infrequent feeding. Don't use large pots as it is very slow-growing.
Anis Baig Bulb. fascinator Grown mounted on teak stump, bright light. Some shade provided by black olive tree approximately 15 feet tall
Melvin Waki Bulb. fascinator var. semialbum Always intrigued by green, I was able to obtain a semi-alba form of this species in a 2-inch pot in January 2017. The plant is now growing in a 4-inch plastic basket with New Zealand sphagnum moss... Read more The plant is grown under 50% shade cloth and watered daily.
Melvin Waki Bulb. fascinator var. semi-album Always a sucker for semi-albas or albas, I had to add this plant to my collection. Found this on eBay 3-4 years ago. I have this plant hanging in a shady area. It is watered almost daily. The plant is growing in New Zealand sphagnum moss.