Magnesium Sulphate | Comments |
MAGNESIUM SULPHATE: Best Amount to Use 100 ppm. decreased the growth of cymbidiums, phalaenopsis and cattleyas; 50 ppm. is optimal for cattleyas; 25 ppm. is near optimal for cymbidiums and phalaenopsis. OA79-130; wrong; plants tolerate large amounts of MgS04. OWD | 0 |
MAGNESIUM SULPHATE: Characteristics It is a key element, instrumental in the formation of chlorophyll and plant fiber. OA78-51It is the only mineral to appear in the chlorophyll molecule; vital to green plants for photosynthesis. AU75-47 | 0 |
MAGNESIUM SULPHATE: Epsom Salts Can be applied twice a year to cymbidiums grown in full sun in California; it aids in photosynthesis and helps the plants to withstand the heat of the bright sun. OA87-93 | 0 |
MAGNESIUM SULPHATE: Optimal Amount to Apply 25ppm, which is low, can be applied to cymbidiums and phalaenopsis. SA85Dec-168 | 0 |
MAGNESIUM SULPHATE: Purpose in Plant Nutrition It is an essential and serves the same purpose in the plant as iron in the human blood stream; dolomite lime has some in it; also know as Epson Salts, it can be applied at the rate of one pound per 1000 gallons of water in commercial ranges. OA84-12 | 0 |
MAGNESIUM SULPHATE: Supplementary Fertilizer One teasoon spread around the top of an average sized pot is sufficient in the summer months; it can also be applied as a spray, Au87 | 0 |