Bl. Morning Glory in Cultivation by Members

Found 10 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Chase Hubbard Bc. Morning Glory
Christiaan Viljoen Bc. Morning Glory
Darlene Rathwell Bl. Morning Glory
Diane Owens Bl. Morning Glory
gladys pérez-almiroty Bc. Morning Glory
Mark Stedman Bc. Morning Glory
Robert Rand Bc. Morning Glory Carter and Holmes remake of this cross using B. nodosa 'Susan Fuch's FCC/AOS' x Laelia purpurata semi-alba 'Lenette #20''. Purchased in a 2" pot 8 months ago. Weak bloom but now I know what it loo... Read more Culture: Grown indoors under LED light, 5,000k, 6,000-8,000 lumens. Media is medium Orchiata bark with coconut husk chunks, hydroton clay popcorn and a little sphagnum moss. Humidity is maintained ... Read more
Terence Kew Bl. Morning Glory
Vanessa Monteiro Bc. Morning Glory
Xavier Hung Bl. Morning Glory 'H&R'