Tly. curvicaulis in Cultivation by Members

Found 20 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Alison Brown Den. speciosum
Allison Butterfield Den. speciosum
Christiaan Viljoen Den. speciosum
Christopher Toon Den. speciosum
Colin Campbell Den. speciosum
Dex W Den. speciosum Purchased July 2021. Neg 5/28/23
Edward Zapata Den. speciosum Easy outside grower here in Southern Calif. I have many blooming size and some seedlings and named crosses. They are the hardiest plants I own. Reliable bloomer. Protect from frost is only caution ... Read more
Günther Eilers Den. speciosum 'Exhibition White'
Günther Eilers Den. speciosum var. compactum
Günther Eilers Den. speciosum var. pedunculatum 'Tully’s White’ ' Aus dem Nachlass von G. Leafberg , kompakt, bläuliches Laub, weiße Blüte mn. Bark
Günther Eilers Den. speciosum var. speciosum 'Hunter's Gold'
Henry Shaw Den. speciosum In coarse fir bark, stays outside all year in northern CA.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Den. speciosum var. grandiflora
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Den. speciosum var. grandiflora
Kim Kelley Den. speciosum var. Grandiflorum Indigenous to: Australia. Winter, Spring Blooming. Very firm dark green ovular leaves, one or two on each pseudo-bulb. White air roots that reach up. Full Sun to Bright; 3000-4000 Footcandles (slight to moderate midday shading required) [Mine is in a brightish bathroom window]. Warm, Intermediate to Cool;45°F min. to 98°F max.(tolerant of extrem... Read more
Mark Bennett Den. speciosum
Nicholas Stein Den. speciosum
Robert H. Findlay Den. speciosum var. pedunculatum
Steven Kirincich Den. speciosum var. pedunculatum
Vanessa Monteiro Den. speciosum