Onc. spectabilis in Cultivation by Members

Found 9 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Bruno PH Milt. spectabilis var. semi-alba
Chris Hassell Milt. spectabilis
G. K. Milt. spectabilis
Günther Eilers Milt. spectabilis var. moreliana
Günther Eilers Milt. spectabilis var. semi-alba
Jefferson Lenzi Milt. spectabilis var. Moreliana
John Appelbaum Milt. spectabilis Lights in Winter. Summer outside shade cloth. No rest
Melvin Waki Milt. spectabilis var. moreliana 'Goliath' A warm weather growing Miltonia. Makes a good specimen plant. Had a large specimen plant that received a Certificate of Cultural Merit in August 2014. The plant had 37 flowers and 1 bud when awa... Read more This plant grows well in New Zealand sphagnum moss as the media. The plant likes to be kept damp and kept in a shady area of the shade house.
Richard Whyte Milt. spectabilis var. mooreliana new