Limo. tancarvilleae in Cultivation by Members

Found 7 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Anthony Springate Jr. Phaius. tankervilliae
Chase Hubbard Phaius. tankervilleae
Günther Eilers Phaius. tankervilliae
Günther Eilers Phaius. tankervilliae 'Madascan Red'
Mary Lane Phaius. tankervilleae Nun’s Orchid or Chinese Ground Orchid. Evergreen, terrestrial herb with cone shaped pseudo bulbs. Lance shaped leaves. Flowers are white on the outside and pinkish-redish-brown on the inside. Lip h... Read more Deep 9” x 9” plastic pot Black soil Daily water during dry season, Kept outside all year. Morning sun.
Vanessa Monteiro Phaius. tankervilleae
Vanessa Monteiro Phaius. tankervilleae