Systemics |
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SYSTEMICS: Definition
Insecticides and fungicides which are taken up through the tissue of plants and become part of the protoplasm and do not just form an outer coating. OA75-179; it's not a part of protoplasm. OWD
SYSTEMICS: For Scale Control
Systemic sprays are not very effective because orchids grow too slowly to get a good "burst" of pesticide into the affected area; Cygon is the best for Boisduval scale but is not labelled for greenhouse use. A87-615
SYSTEMICS: Insecticides
Commercial names include Actidione, Cygon 2E (Dimethoate), Di-Syston, Orthene, Meta-Systox-R, Temik. RMHOf limited effectiveness because orchids grow slowly and systemics are not much good, although Cygon 2E will penetrate the sheath of cattleyas and kill scale, etc. ; it takes months for a systemic to move from the roots to the top of the plant. A87-615; OIE85Jy-6
SYSTEMICS: Pesticides
A product that has been recommended for years in Florida is Meta Systox-R25.4%. A87-1237
For description, etc. of Di-Syston granules, Di-Syston cartridge, Meta-Systox-R sprays and Cygon spray, refer to C69-46+ see also Cygon 2E; Insecticides; Temik