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More Photos of plant Ascda. Sweet Pea 'Ruby or Rubi':

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Ascda. Sweet Pea 'Ruby or Rubi'

This plant is matched to the orchid database

Grower is John Small

Located in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States

(bensonii x Peggy Foo)
bensonii x Peggy Foo
Ruby or Rubi
bag baby from Sun Bulb-Better Grow
Culture: Octagon wooden basket. It is tagged V. Robert's Delight 'Tor Blue. I was expecting blue flowers. When it bloomed for the first time a couple of months ago, I cut off the bloom spike because I thought something was wrong. The buds were yellow, tinged with red. Two months later, it began to bloom again. This time I let the plant flower and it was these cute little red flowers. I contacted Sun Bulb and sent photos and asked them if this was a sport or mislabeled. They wrote back "mislabeled" and said their head grower identified it as Vascostylis, Ascocenda or Vanda Sweet Pea, whatever name they currently are using. I counted 19 buds on the first spike before I cut it off and there are at least another 19 on this spike, maybe more. This little plant just loves to bloom.

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Plant record added over 4 years ago.