(Martha Clarke x Tokyo Life)
SLC Tokyo Life "Dec 1st" x POT Martha Clarke "My Beauty"
Fred Clarke (Sunset Valley Orchids)
Description: I bought this division from Fred Clarke on 3-OCT-2019, from his mailing list of divisions.
The flowers are peachy-pink, with dark pink chip flaring and a dark red lip. The flower shape and presentation are both excellent, with a strong inflorescence that needs no staking. The petals and sepals do not recurve. The flowers are usually borne in threes. The flowers open up fully even in cool winter greenhouse conditions. The plant is about 7 inches (18cm) tall.
This seedling has no variety name yet (I will give it one if AOS awards it). Neither of the parents have flower quality awards from AOS.
Culture: The plant grows well in intermediate greenhouse conditions, with typical Catteya light. I have it mounted in a 6" Vanda basket.
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Plant record added about 4 years ago.