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More Photos of plant V. Pachara Delight var. 'Blue':

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  1. Taylor Boyle
    about 5 years ago
    7/31/19 - changed potting medium to clay pellets as discussed. Will continue to monitor its condition.
  2. Taylor Boyle
    about 5 years ago
    7/27/19 - removed microfiber towels due to feeling that roots weren't drying out as they should. presence of white mold. Just a few days after, bottom three leaves started to yellow. Possible causes are excessive drying/under-watering of roots or possibly caused by the mold itself which has dried and cleared up. Will keep an eye on plant and care for it while it recovers. Will try potting in clay pellets for a couple months to promote new root growth. will add kelpmax.

V. Pachara Delight var. 'Blue'

This plant is matched to the orchid database

Grower is Taylor Boyle

Located in Phoenix, Arizona, United States

(Karulea x Gordon Dillon)
Culture: 5" slotted basket, filled with clay pellets with microfiber, dormant/in recovery

This plant record is available for viewing by Public.

Plant record added about 5 years ago.

13 plants of V. Pachara Delight cultivated by all members.
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