Angraecum eichlerianum is a species from the central west coast (Nigeria) south to Angola. In the wild it can grow to near 200 inches (508cm) in dense, undisturbed forests. Inflorescence form at the leaf axils and range 4 - 8 inches (10-20cm) and produce 1 to 4 flowers that are long lasting. As the plant grows in height, it produces ariel roots. This flower developed on a seedling barely 6 inches (15cm) high and is still in a small plastic pot with a seedling medium. It will eventually be mounted to a tree fern totem about 12 - 18 inches high (30-45cm).
As long as I keep this seedling in the small plastic pot, I will keep it in medium shade. Once mounted to the totem (plant size about 8 - 9 inches [20-23cm]), I will gradually introduce it to a brighter light, from 1200FC to 2500FC; but no direct sunlight! While in the small pot, I water this plant once every 2 days. I have this plant in an area that gets a good amount of air movement.
Habitat information was obtained from