Longiscott is the Angraecoid that started it all. My first bloomed in the summer 0f 2000. The above plant is one from a batch I obtained from H & R Orchids about two years ago. This plant is nearly 15 inches (38.2cm) tall with the stem reaching 9 inches (23cm) long. The leaves are 8 - 10 inches (20.5-25.5cm) long. Average flower width is 2.5 inches (6.3cm), the vertical measurement is 4.75 inches (7cm), the nectary is 8 inches (20.2cm). The above plant is potted in a 6 inch (15cm) clay pot with a medium to coarse coconut husk material; it is watered every other morning when temps are above the low eighties (28 degrees C) and every third to fourth day when below 80 degrees F (26.5 degrees C) and receives direct sunlight until about 12pm and then the light level drops to about 2,500 fc for the remainder of the day. As long as the flowers are protected from the elements, they can last 5 - 6 weeks. FRAGRANT!