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MALATHION: Organophosphorous Compound

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago It is effective against aphids, thrips, mealey bugs, scale insects, and fungus gnats; has a short residual action. AH13 Read More


Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago When the lead growth is mature, water and fertilizer can be withheld until the new growth or inflorescences show themselves. A87-733; for Catasetum expansum a rest period may last four months, unti... Read More

DAMP-OFF: Control

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Spray Captan at 1 ttpg., or PCNB (Terraclor) at 1 ttpg. as pot drench; also Chinasol, oxyquinoline benzoate (Wilson Anti-Damp), or sodium-o-phenylphanate (Dowicide Ai, Natriphene, Sopp, or Topane) ... Read More

RESUPINATION: Twisting of the Flowers

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Most orchids, as their flowers develop have their lip in one position but as the flowers open they twist through 180 degrees so that the lip is in an opposite position; refer to W2-287 Read More

ROCK: As Potting Medium

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Crushed rock, sized according to the size of the plant, from roofing gravel up to about 1.5 inches; after a few years repotting is necessary because the spaces between the rocks become full of root... Read More

ROCKWOOL: Absorbs Fertilizers

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago During a dark winter the Electric Conductivity can double in the nutrient solution, so make it half normal strength; urea fertilizer applied to it hardly has a chance to be used before it is washed... Read More

POLYETHYLENE FILM: Inside Insulation

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago 6 mil. will not block out too much light if kept clean. A77-995 Read More

FERTILIZERS: Element Requirements for Most Other Than Cattleyas

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago N -- 100 ppm., P -- 20 ppm., K -- 75 ppm., Mg -- 25 ppm., Fe -- 8 ppm., Ca 50 to 200 ppm., Mn -- l ppm., Cu 0.025 ppm., Zn -- 0.2 ppm., B -- 0.025 ppm., Mo -- 0.001 ppm, and S -- 10 ppm. AU82-98 Read More

FERTILIZERS: Basic, to Mix with Media

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago To 1 cu. yard of mix add 1.5 kg. of potassium sulphate, 1.0 superphosphate, 1.0 dolomite lime, 100 grams fritted trace elements, 250 grams iron sulphate, or 60 grams iron chelate; slow release fert... Read More

CYMBIDIUMS: Culture to Induce Spiking

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago "full-sun" treatment can be successful; give as much sun as possible in the summer including risk of sunburn and with more water and fertilizer, OD68-244The day-night temperature change must be 20 ... Read More


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