Newly Posted Articles

FREEZING: Tolerated by Plants

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Cymbidium spikes can go down to about 27 deg.F.; Mexican laelias, some of them can go to middle and low 20's; reed-stem epidendrums can stand about 29deg.F. A74-1042 Read More

MILTONIAS: Brazilian Types

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Details of the approach to and the problems involved with the breeding of these plants, with pros and cons on many points raised for consideration; refer to A86-892 Read More

ROOTS: Tips Eaten Off

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago It is not likely sowbugs but bush snails that do the damage. A75-192 Read More

CROWN ROT: Controls

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Use a piece of 1/4 inch tubing about 18 inches long for blowing water out of the crowns after watering; mark the mouthpiece end. OIE-85Jy-l Read More

POTS (GENERAL): Sterilizing Them

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Use Physan as a soak. A76-14 Read More


Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago The story in France, where some of the greats come from; a review. W9-57 Read More

MINERAL DEFICIENCIES: Caused by Shortages in Mixes or Feeds

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago For a list of 13 elements and notes on what happens when they are deficient, refer to OBIV-312 Read More

FERTILIZERS: 30-10-10 for Plants in Tree Fern and Redwood Bark

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago The formulation is suitable the year round. A73-991 Read More

CYMBIDIUMS: Culture to Induce Spiking

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago "full-sun" treatment can be successful; give as much sun as possible in the summer including risk of sunburn and with more water and fertilizer, OD68-244The day-night temperature change must be 20 ... Read More

PUMICE: Definition

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago A light, spongy stone thrown up by volcanoes. A75-712; RMH Read More


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