Current use in U.S.A.; needs twice as much watering as bark because it does not absorb water, it adsorbs it and builds up layers of condensed liquids; never used alone, it provides no nutrients, requires a balanced fertilizer; used most as an additive to bark and other mixes. A86-496
In Hawaii comparison test of growing charcoal against hapuu and fir bark proved charcoal superior; 3,000 to 4,000 plants were used, sized from 1/2 inch to 1 inch; after use, soak overnight in fungicide and reuse; Hyponex 20-20-20 recommended as fertilizer. NH74(1)12+
It is fertilized with a balanced fertilizer with a 1-1-1 ratio, otherwise standard cultural practice apply. A84-1180
It is used in terrarium mixes to "sweeten" the soil to keep roots healthy; the mix is kept open for better aeration; it allows only some algae to develop and apparently no fungus growth; it seems not to deteriorate; can be used straight for mature plants; seedlings in it prosper; how to make your own charcoal described; refer to A83-492