Crown Rot |
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CROWN ROT: Bacterial Disease
Benomyl will not control it, use a bactericide and keep water out of the crowns. OIE87Jan-3
CROWN ROT: Characteristics
It usually affects phalaenopsis; also called Southern blight (which see); dip plant in Natriphene. S201
CROWN ROT: Controls
Use a piece of 1/4 inch tubing about 18 inches long for blowing water out of the crowns after watering; mark the mouthpiece end. OIE-85Jy-l
CROWN ROT: In Cymbidiums
The cause may be 1, too high nitrogen level during cult ivation of the seedlings; use Electric Conductivity reading of not more than 0.6, with a nitrogen to potassium proportion of 1:1:2. 2, Night temperature may be too cold for young plants, so use a minimum night temp erature of 50 Deg F., with a high night temperature of 64 dF to 68 dF and plants will grow better. 3, Too low moisture evaporation from the leaves when root pressure is too high; remove humidity from the greenhouse, 4, Too large pots cause water-logging. 5, Sprinkling water from above with fertilizer is effective in very early stages of growth. 6, Too low pH: calcium and potassium E.G. figures must be equal. OA87-162
CROWN ROT: Of Paphiopedilums
In nature these plants grow in swamps under rain or under constant spray from waterfalls and they don't develop crown rot; but when water is allowed to stand in their crowns under warm temperatures it occurs. OD69-307
CROWN ROT: On Phalaenopsis
Benlate stopped the rot but did not stop the plant's growth; if leaves are good, active lateral buds likely remain to continue the growth. A75-500; spray with Physan at 1/2 ttpg.; keikis frequently appear. A75-980
CROWN ROT: On Vandaceous Plants
Pull the center leaves out of the crown, spray with Physan colution, apply a paste of fungicide powder (Dithane M-45) vitamin/hormone, Super-Thrive and water. A85-818Pull the center leaves out of the crown, spray with Physan solution, apply a paste of fungicide powder and water: (Dithane M-45) plus vitamin/hormone Superthrive. A85-818
CROWN ROT: Treatment
Use Physan 20 or Natriphene; crown rot is not controlled by Benlate. A77-209