Drainage |
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Small gravel in small pot< and large in large pots is good it can be disinfected first; an advantage in plastic pots is that it helps them stand upright. OIE85Nov-17
DRAINAGE: Of Potting Mix
Kinds of materials: broken crocks, charcoal (not recommended), bark (larger pieces), pebbles, stones, volcanic rocks, styrofoam "peanuts" (packing material), etc. A78-303
DRAINAGE: Phalaenopsis Culture
It is second in importance to adequate light; if a plant dies in the second or third year, lack of drainage and aeration of the roots is the cause; bark eventually breaks down and denies air to the roots but bark can last 18 to 24 months in good service; old bark can be used up to 207o with new to seed a new mix; use a soldering iron on a conventional pot to provide more drainage holes, up to eight or nine three-eighths inch holes. OD87-101