LEADS: Front

Culture Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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Growing out of pot at blooming time; to avoid disturbing the roots of plants which need repotting, such as cattleyas, fill a plastic bag with sphagnum moss and perlite mix and apply to the roots outside the pot so that they become established in it before dividing; illus. A77-506
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Leads

Leads Comments
LEADS: Broken Off Accidentally The broken lead will not root itself with the aid of a hormone and should be discarded, as a new lead should develop beside it or below it. A82-37 0
LEADS: Cattleyas' Slow Growth Possibly caused by not enough light, or being kept too wet, or fed excess fertilizer; try Mir-Acid 30-10-10, at 1 tpg. A77-798 0
LEADS: Cattleyas' Tips Turn Brown May be caused by over-fertilizing, or excess of soluble salts, or root injury; plan to repot early. A76-403 0
LEADS: Multiple How to encourage their production: cut the rhizome in places part through; let each root itself; repot singly. A79-272How to force a cattleya to develop them: cut through the rhizome three bulbs behind the lead; leave undisturbed until new roots form. A67-45 0
LEADS: Multiple Type In cattleyas it is usually the single lead type which flowers first; multiple lead types usually do not flower unless they are of a "specimen plant" nature. A87-1037 0
LEADS: Rough-textured Causes: several possible, such as injury forming a corky layer of scales, or cells may develop unevenly in the forming leaf, or a water/temperature relationship problem may cause blisters; none is serious. A79-785 0

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