Mealy Bugs |
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MEALY BUGS: Characteristics and Controls
Flat, segmented insects covered with a dusty white wax; insidious, they mass in hidden places under sheathing leaves, etc.; make unsightly spots; spray repeatedly with Malathion with an essential spreader-sticker; a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or lighter fluid is a tedious and less effective way to remove them, A73-716; A79-784Soft-bodied insects covered with white powdery wax; like aphids they secrete a honey-dew attractive to ants and sooty mold; spray with dimethoate (Cygon 2E), diazinon, malathion, or use a dithio smoke. AH6; N329; OR74-227;231; S192
MEALYBUGS: Characteristics and Controls
They are enclosed in a protective waxy, cottony secretion, they usually appear white, are mobile throughout their life; several types are known; control is difficult because timing is a 11-important, that is when the insects are in their unprotected, crawler stage; presumably a good insecticide will be effective at the right time. AH86-53
MEALYBUGS: Control on Roots
A difficult situation, some success has been achieved by the use of Systox-2 which is normally prohibited from use, so consult your county agricultural agent. A81-27
MEALY BUGS: Controls
Recommended are Cygon 2E, as a spray at 2 tpg.; Malathion at regular strength but with a wetter-sticker added at the rate of % tpg. of the spray. A70-916; A76-507
An insidious pest; recommended controls are many but their effectiveness is in doubt; try Malathion, Sevin or Cygon 2E with the last named the most effective, if under a cloud; it lasts four to six weeks in effectiveness if used at the rate of 2 tpg. With a wetting agent and on mature plants only; Dursban, Systox are also registered for use. OIE85-Nov-14; AH86-62Shell Vapona strips hung in the growing area, one to each eight feet of length, hung from the roof over the walkway, not the plants, and replaced every three months will keep them out. NZ85-51Systemic insecticides are ineffective on orchids,(so much for Cygon 2E) so use Malathion three or four times at seven to 10 day intervals ; Safer's Soap may work but it has no residual effect. A85-1118Where small groups are found, kill them with cotton-wool dipped in methanol or methylated spirits; contact or systemic insecticides are necessary to eradicate infestations; common controls given are Diazinon, Malathion, Mineral Oil, Orthen...
MEALYBUGS: Methylated Spirits as Control
Use a small brush to paint inside the sheaths of young shoots; if sheaths are sensitive wash with water after. ORBS-161
MEALY BUGS: On Plants Under Lights
For control use Cygon 2E, at 2 tpg.; Malathion is better for the home but it needs 1/2 tpg. of wetting agent to be effective. A78-495
They resemble a "snow mold" infestation; but of rare occurrence; dip plant in solution of Diazinon. F78-113