MILTONIAS: Leaves Show Sudden Brown Patches

Ailments Oncidium Alliance Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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Sample inspected showed no pathogens; the tip burn may have been caused by too strong fertilizer or lack of leaching. A65-910
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Miltonias

Miltonias Comments
MILTONIAS: Brazilian Types Details of the approach to and the problems involved with the breeding of these plants, with pros and cons on many points raised for consideration; refer to A86-892 0
MILTONIAS: Breeding The story in France, where some of the greats come from; a review. W9-57 0
MILTONIAS: Growths Turn Yellowish-green and Fall Perhaps over-watering or accumulating salts in the medium cause this to new growths; try applying water liberally to the dry plants, after 15 minutes repeat. A77-527 0
MILTONIAS: Leaves with Accordion-like Pleating Step up the watering to two or three times weekly. A79-2 0
MILTONIAS: Leaves with Accordion-like Pleats Possibly a physiological disease; may show deficiency of minor elements; it is generally a temporary condition; plants grow out of it. A61-659 0
MILTONIAS: Light Requirements Shade them in the summer; Colombia types like 1,000 to 1,500 fc, and can be grown with paphiopedilums; Brazilian types like about 2,000 to 3,500fc. and can be grown with cattleyas. OD74-101 0
MILTONIAS: Minimum Optimums Temperature: 50 deg.F. nights; relative humidity: 70%; light: summer: 3,000 fcs, winter: 1,500 fcs. AU71-135 0
MILTONIAS: Pleated Leaves Accordion-like pleating is usually linked with under-watering but why does it happen when there is sufficient watering? Water can usually fail to wet overdry bark, which might require soaking for several hours to condition it again. A88-296 0
MILTONIAS: Pleating Leaves The real cause is more complex than ever explained before, it is caused by stress within- the plant brought on by conditions where both the greenhouse and the plant are too dry at the same time, immediately following a wet period for both; opposition is set up between met and dry periods and the plant cells experience a burst of growth followed by a shock of dryness; fluctuations must be avoided and an evaporative cooler is almost a must even in cool-weather country. Poul Hansen (Victoria, B.C.,1988) 0
MILTONIAS: Pleating of Leaves, Accordion Style This is most commonly caused by insufficient watering during the "expansion" stage of the new growths; the cool-growing types do not like to dry out between waterings and if watering is missed for a time, the leaves suffer a set-back. A82-920 0
MILTONIAS: Potting Mix Recommended Two parts chopped osmunda fiber; one part live sphagnum, a small amount of well-rotted cow manure added; water liberally when growing. A64-114 0
MILTONIAS: Rootless Plants Place them in an air-tight plastic bag with some moist sphagnum, inflate it by mouth for the carbon dioxide administered, seal it tightly; repeat fortnightly, re-moistening as necessary; when roots form, repot. A85-966 0

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