MITES (GENERAL): Finding Them

Ailments Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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Look initially for silvery damage under the leaf where the cell juices have been sucked out, in patches or in a general area; compare a new leaf with an old one; use a hand lens to be certain. OA71-105
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Mites

Mites Comments
MITES: Biological Control Most cymbidium nurseries use the predator mite Typhlodromus occidentalis, or Phytoseinlus persimilis for control and reports are mainly in favor. Au88-13 0
MITES: Controls Kelthane is a constituent of several available sprays (possibly now banned in some areas); a contact spray, it should be applied to the underside of foliage; as mites have a four day cycle it is vital to spray three times every fourth day; two new systemics on the market are Venden (by Shell) and Orthomite; apply at the rate of of lktpg plus a few drops of detergent; use only once a month. OIE85Nov-18 0
MITES (GENERAL): Characteristics and Controls During egg stage and three chrysalis stages they are relatively immune to pesticides, especially to organic phosphates (Malathion,etc.); mites develop resistance to one pesticide which makes related chemicals ineffective; the effectiveness of Vapona (at 1 to 3 day intervals, excellent) and Pentac (extremely useful in commercial greenhouses) related with details. OD71-273+; in Florida, their characteristics, with six controls given. DK17+; in Australia, review, OA75-164+. S191 0
MITES (GENERAL): Controls In Hawaii, use chlorobenzilate, Diazinon, Kelthane, wettable sulfur (3 tablespoons of 95% in one gal. water, spray 5 to 7 days apart), Tedion, Aramite, Dimite. P67(2)19; P69(l)13 0
MITES (GENERAL): Controls, in Increasing Degrees of Toxicity to the User Chlorobenzilate (6oz. required for LD-50) aramite (4oz.) kelthane and dimite (loz. the most lethal);Ethion (too toxic at 1/2 oz.) and Demeton (extremely toxic at 8 drops) are not recommended. A68-582; OD65-169 0
MITES (GENERAL): Cymbidium Spray Control Spray with miticide any new plant added to the collection; spray them all in early summer and then again in the fall. OA78-167 0
MITES (GENERAL): In the Medium Soak or drench the pot with an all-over spray of Pentac 50%WP at 2 tpg. A79-1112 0
MITES (GENERAL): Stages in Growth There are four inactive (egg or resting) stages when insecticides are not effective and three when they are: larvae, nymph and adult; if Vapona fails then the mites have become resistant to all organo-phosphates; change to Kelthane, Dimite, etc. C70-144+ 0
MITES (GENERAL): The Best Miticide Recommended is Morestan. OD73-217 0
MITICIDES: Kinds Available Malathion is recommended but far better is Pentac, a specific for mites and about the safest of all to use; also recommended are: Cygon 2E, Diazinon; Kelthane. A76-1007; OD70-155 0
MITICIDES: Most Widely Used Vendex, has low toxicity to humans, claims are made that it kills the spider mites as larvae, chrysalis,eggs, insects; Pentac, relatively safe with long residual action; Kelthane, where obtainable; Morestan, which also controls mildew; Chlorobenzilate; Diazinon. OA82-114; more votes for Morestan. OIE88Apr-9 0
MITICIDES: What's Recommended in 1987 Kelthane is off the U.S. market and Metasystox is restricted in some states of the U.S.; a "soap" may be the answer for some. A87-1174 0

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