ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Bronzing of Leaves

Oncidium Alliance Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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Maurice Vacherot prefers his plants not to bronze; McBean's (Ray Bilton) plants have very strong bronzing. AU76-76
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Odontoglossums Comments
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Breeding For the story in France, refer to W9-57 -- intergenerics and their repotting = as to when is best, do it when growths are half developed in cool weather, spring or fall; avoid hot weather stress. A85-435 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: First Flowering It is a mistake to let a small plant flower fully; restrict the first spike to one flower only. AU76-73 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Footcandles of Light Required in Summer At 9:00 A.M.: l,000fc.; 12:00 noon: 1,200 to l,300fc; 3:00 P.M. :600fc; 5:00 P.M.: 500fc. OD71-88 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Hard-bulbed Types Most of them need a rest; the harder the bulb the longer the rest; they come from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras; include O. bictoniense, citrosmum, cordatum, grande (Rossioglossum), JLaeve, pulchellum, rossii, and uro-skinneri; for instance, O. citrosmum needs a rest from September to March at about 55 deg.F. to flower properly. OR73-257 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Night Temperature Maintain around 60 deg.F. in summer, but ease it back to 55 in fall and winter. AU76-74 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Non-flowering If the plants are in good growth, to induce flowering a rather severe reduction in light for a few weeks is advised. OR76-362 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Propagation by Backbulbs It is a difficult process; try severing the backbulbs, making one cut between them and the forward group about a year before the plant is actually divided. A57-788 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Propagation by Pseudobulbs Use two or three as a unit to be successful; dust the cut with sulphur or a sealing compound; place in plastic bag with damp sphagnum until roots show. AU76-76 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Repotting Time Contrary to the general rule and practice, the best time to repot is in September. OR75-44Do it only when new growth is three to six inches high, which is when the hew root system becomes active; this can happen any time of the year; the new growth rules the time. AU76-74 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Splitting Pseudobulbs When the outer layers of the bulb mature prematurely, cracks suddenly appear and clear, gummy fluid exudes; this can arise from excess of sunshine or/and a surfeit of potash. OR76-184 0
ODONTOGLOSSUMS: Watering Water heavily all year round; give them as much or more in winter. A76-427 0

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