POTTING MIXES: New Jersey No.6

Culture Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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One-quarter peat moss, coarse poultry grade, one-quarter oak leaves, dried and undecomposed, one-quarter redwood bark fiber, insulation grade or Palco Pete's mulch, one-quarter coarse clean sand; refer to A57-410
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Potting Mixes

Potting Mixes Comments
POTTING MIXES: Basic Requirements They must support the plant; provide a micro environment for roots to receive adequate humidity, and aeration; and for water and nutrient availibility; should be made of materials that will not rot in two to three years. AU78-141 0
POTTING MIXES: Cattleyas Recommended: 6.5 parts fir bark, 1.5 parts coarse peat moss poultry grade, 1 or 1/2 parts redwood bark fiber, 1/2 or 1 part perlite coarse, with a small amount of limestone and fertilizer. A68-146 0
POTTING MIXES: Cymbidiums Recommended: used in Santa Barbara area by six leading growers; fir bark is the basis of five of them; many other ingredients mentioned; refer to C74-22+ 0
POTTING MIXES: General Suitability For different genera: two parts peat moss, one part coarse sand, one part Perlite, an amount of bark to suit the requirements of the orchid; to one bushel of that add two ounces limestone and two ounces magnesium limestone; add also fertilizer per bushel: one ounce for small seedlings, five ounces for large plants; water every two to four weeks; after two months fertilize every two weeks at half strength in summer, and in September and October once each month. OR76-83+For different genera: use one bag of fir bark,medium, half a cubic foot each of redwood wool (Palco) medium redwood chips, and two gallons of Per lite, several buckets of German peat, all mixed with a rake. A74-711 0
POTTING MIXES: New Developments in the Sixties Many growers prefer two parts bark and one part redwood bark fiber; or, 60% bark, 25% coarse peat moss, 15% redwood bark fiber and 107o coarse perlite, all of this rather than straight bark because they hold water better, are easier to water and prevent passage of snails to the roots. A64-692 0
POTTING MIXES: New Jersey No.1 One-third peat moss, coarse poultry grade, one-third oak leaves, dried and undecomposed, one-third redwood bark fiber, insulation grade or Palco Pete's mulch; grind the leaves to one-half & three-quarters of an inch pieces; mix with care; refer to A5 7-409+ 0
POTTING MIXES: Paphiopedilums Fine bark seedling grade 85 to 90%, plus 10 to 15% coarse sand; it decomposes slowly and gives good results. A71-249Seven parts fine fir bark, two parts redwood fiber (shavings of redwood or sawdust also good) one part each of European peat, perlite, turkey grit (granite chips) and seedling charcoal; to four gals, of it add 1/4 cup dolomite lime, 1/4 cup of superphosphate. A78-303 0
POTTING MIXES: Phalaenopsis In California, Hugo Freed found straight bark to be the ideal mix. FRlllTree-fern and redwood mix is common in semi-tropical areas; fir bark and redwood are used in northern climates where decomposition is less rapid; redwood chips have a low pH value. A71-105 0

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