Stakes | Comments |
STAKES: Copper Wire It is uncertain whether enough copper comes off the stakes into the pot to do damage; be safe and use steel which is cheaper; metal coat hangers are good and can be readily cut and shaped; green plastic-covered wire used to install chain-link fencing comes in two thicknesses and is ideal. A86-383; RMH; they can be re-used after placing the bottom end in Physan for a day. RMH | 0 |
STAKES: Delay in Using Do not wait until new leads or flower spikes are set and distorted; direct them or redirect them while still possible with staking. OD72-227 | 0 |
STAKES: Wire For supporting plants & flower spikes; bend the top over to prevent eye or other injury; when removing for repotting or with cutting of flowers place stake end in disinfectant such as Physan or Roccal for fifteen minutes to inactivate virus; coat-hanger wire can be used and discarded; green plastic-covered fence wire when straightened can be used also. (RMH) | 0 |