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In a confined area where fluorescents are used such as in a space four feet by five feet heat is generated by the ballasts which can be rewired to operate outside the closet; a fan circulating the air inside is not effective, it should be exhausting out. A72-1003
Cold nights artificially supplied substitute for the real thing for some genera; cymbidiums, odontoglossums and some dendrobiums can be set inside a refrigerator at night for a time to set buds. A69-246To induce flowering, growers used to heat greenhouses at the end of summer when night temparatures lowered; the contrary method at that time of lowering greenhouse temperatures surprisingly was found to produce abundant flowers. A75-704
An Electronic Aspirated Screen designed for the grower that wants reliability and close tolerance of temperature and the option of day and night temperatures; for technical details and specifications; data on remote alarm sysyem, refer to OR85-94
TEMPERATURE: Cool-growing Conditions
They are wide-spread in Mexico; orchids there thrive on their cold, dry winters in higher elevations; the night temperatures hover in the low 40's; little if any rain falls from November to May. A77-1082
TEMPERATURE: Day-night Differential
For cymbidiums in summer a differential of 25 deg.F. between night and day is usual. A71-202The number of hours of cold necessary to set buds in phalaenopsis is less than ten nights below 60 deg.F. to start new blooming shoots; cymbidiums need periodic accumulation of cold to near 60 deg.F.; but more information is needed on this, A78-698
TEMPERATURE: Day-night Variation Recommended
Warm greenhouse, Summer: Nights -- 65 to 70 deg.F, or 18 to 21C., Days -- 70 to 80 deg.F, or 21 to 27 C.; Winter: Nights -- 60 to 65 deg.F. or 16 to 18 C., Days -- 65 to 70 deg. F. or 18 to 21 G.; Intermediate, Summer: Nights -- 60 to 65 deg.F. or 16 to 18 C., Days -- 65 to 70 deg.F. or 18 to 21 C.; Winter: Nights: 55 to 60 deg.F. or 13 to 16 C., Days -- 60 to 65 deg.F. or 16 to 18 C; Cool, Summer: Nights and Days, if possible, 60 deg.F, or 16 C; Winter: Nights -- 50 deg.F. or 10 C. or less; Days -- 55 to 60 deg.F. or 13 to 16 C. Sander's Orchid guide, 1927, 2
TEMPERATURE: Effect on Plants
Lower temperatures at night aid the growth process; it slows the rate at which reserves are burning themselves up to form carbon dioxide and water; also, when the weather is dull it helps plants to lower the daytime temperatures; most growth takes place at night; refer to A64-218+
TEMPERATURE: Intermediate
Definition and discussion, the variables met with in nature and ways of achieving them in the Kew greenhouse; refer to OR86-252; A81-640
During daytime in summer 85 deg.F. should be the maximum; above that the harm may not be apparent but it does no good; better to control the temperature as much as possible. A73-487In the greenhouse anything over 95 deg.F. is too hot. A78-309
For cattleyas; for relatively dormant plants which have been exposed to a night or two of lower temperatures in the 40's can stand a few days just above freezing; with new growths developing a night or two in low temperatures in the 40's will stunt their growth; a sudden drop from 55 to 61 deg.F. down to 35 deg.F. or so will possibly cause tissue injury. A65-439The lowest temperature that cattleyas can stand is, at times, down to 32 deg.F.; at others, injury occurs at 37 to 38 deg.F.; flowers may discolor below 45 deg.F.; some growers claim virus-free flowers will stand 40 deg.F, or 41 deg.F. A73-338
TEMPERATURE: Recommended for Winter in the Greenhouse
Cool: December -- Night 50 and Day 55; Intermediate: Dec. -- 58 and day, 58 to 65; Warm: Dec. 68 and Day 68 to 73; with a slight difference in January Cool: Night 50 and Day 55; Intermediate 59 to 61 and Day 61 to 65; Warm: 66 to 70 at Night and only 70 during Daytime. OD86-219
TEMPERATURE: To Set Buds on Paphiopedilums and Cymbidiums
50 deg.F. is not necessary, 55 deg.F. is low enough; for early cymbidiums (blooming November to January) a cool temperature to 55 deg.F. during the mid-March to May period will set buds; for mid-season flowerings cool to 55 deg.F. from June to August. A77-798
TEMPERATURE: Warm, Intermediate and Cool
In greenhouses, plants are divided into Warm (65 dF minimum at night) such as for Phalaenopsis; Intermediate (60 dF) as for cattleyas, and Cool (50 to 55 dF) as for cymbidiums. F81-84