VANILLA: Species to Be Grown Commercially

Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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In the Caribbean area Vanilla planifolia is the commercial choice of several found there; for advice see The orchids, a scientific survey, ed. by Carl Withner (1959) A84-1306
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Vanilla

Vanilla Comments
VANILLA: Beans How they can be home cured -- mature pods are placed on blankets on racks open to the sun, blanket is rolled and placed in a sweating box; next day, green beans are removed and cured separately; main beans are exposed to sun for two hours at mid-day for 17 days; beans can be oven-cured at 45 to 50 deg.C. (113 -- 122F.); cured beans are placed in oiled paper-lined boxes for several months to develop aroma. A73-888 0
VANILLA: Easy Greenhouse Culture Soli mix of peatmoss, leaf mold, small grade osmunda (sized?) and fir bark with some Perlite a mix in a well-drained receptacle or pot is good; do not over-water, provide some support for it to climb, let the growing tip of the mature plant be pendulous to set buds; flowers last several hours; they need hand pollination to produce beans. OIE85Sept-10 0
VANILLA: Failed to Flower It requires 50% full sunlight; fertilize only if adequate sunlight is present. A64-591 0
VANILLA: Preparation and Curing of the Beans Soak them in hot water for a few minutes, wrap them in a blanket, place them in air-tight boxes over-night, lay them out in the sun until mid-day, then wrap again and store them overnight, repeat this each day for several weeks until the beans lose 80? of their weight; then spread them out in a covered building for several months to cure naturally. OIE85Sept-10 0
VANILLA: Preparation of the Beans The culture and treatment of the beans in Mexico described; refer to OR84-404 0
VANILLA: Root Rot Fusarium batatis var. vanillae is a destructive disease attacking Vanilla planifolia in commercial growing areas; refer to AH19 0
VANILLA: Time to Harvest When the tips of the pods show yellow about 1/4 inch; 125 pods. A76-115 0

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