VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control by Washing Hands

Ailments Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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The use of handsoap for washing hands after handling plants, especially virused plants, is strongly recommended. C73-130
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Virus Control By Chemicals

Virus Control By Chemicals Comments
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Anti-virus Cutting Board Comprises a jar with denatured alcohol, a single-edged razor blades in slots, a candle and pliers; each blade is dipped in alcohol and ignited by candle after being used to cut flower stems. A64-954 0
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control by Cleanliness Sterilize knives, used stakes, labels, pots, potting tools and by washing hands. A78-226 0
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control by Disinfectant For benches and other contaminated areas and for washing hands, use Trisodium orthophosphate (also called sodium phosphate tribasic); put enough in a quart bottle of water so that some remains undissolved at the bottom; this is a 1.0 molar solution, 174 grams; use rubber gloves to scrub this on benches, etc., avoiding plants. N326 0
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control by Inactivating On tools etc., the most effective means is to treat virus with a strongly alkaline solution such as trisodium phosphate, fresh Clorox, or sodium hydroxide. A75-803 0
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control by Instruments Dipped in Wescondyne Wescondyne kills animal virus but does not kill plant virus. A75-803 0
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control by Sterilizing Equipment Soaking all materials in Physan overnight in the approved solution is necessary to be effective. A75-1090 0
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control by Treatment with Penicillin Penicillin and other antibiotics is ineffective against virus; it is good for control of some bacterial diseases of a few plants, and rarely for fungus. A74-217 0
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control by Use of Lysol Medical disinfectants are useless against plant virus; moist heat, caustic solutions and several others are best. A68-617 0
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control for Cutting Knives A copper sulfate solution is 50 grams plus 50 milliliters of formalin (37% formaldehyde) dissolved in a liter of water, plus 10 to 20 drops of wetting agent or detergent; it is corrosive; a trisodium phosphate solution is 40 grams and 50 milliliters in one liter of water; the formaldehyde has been dropped in recent times. A64-229; C72-42 0
VIRUS CONTROL BY CHEMICALS: Control on Bench Area Spray with trisodium phosphate 15% or at 1.5 lbs. per gal. water; or spray with Physan-20. A78-909 0

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