There is no evidence of transmission of virus on plants left outdoors; man seems to be the culprit. A74-595
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There is no evidence of transmission of virus on plants left outdoors; man seems to be the culprit. A74-595
Virus Transmission | Comments |
VIRUS TRANSMISSION: By Carriers Sucking insects such as aphids and red spider and snails and slugs should be destroyed since they are carriers of virus. OD67-50; Not true. They do not spread virus in orchids. OWD | 0 |
VIRUS TRANSMISSION: By Mechanical Transmission Mainly by contaminated knives, scissors, stakes, wires, string and dirty hands. OD78-95 | 0 |
VIRUS TRANSMISSION: By Seed Transmission It occurs with a few viruses in the plant world but it is rare in orchids. OD78-95 | 0 |
VIRUS TRANSMISSION: By Vegetative Transmission All parts of a plant are invaded, except possibly the seed and all cuttings and keikis are infected if the main plant was infected. OD78-95 | 0 |
VIRUS TRANSMISSION: Virus Transmission by Seed-pod Virus disease can be transmitted by green-pod culture although the seed can be removed from the pod uncontaminated; the seeds are virus-free. A75-680 | 0 |