WARDIAN CASES: Lights Necessary for Case 5ft. X 4 X 3

Culture Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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Use as many 40-watt fluorescent tubes as possible, maybe four, plus two 25-watt incandescents to provide red light; place the plants two to six inches from the lights; a small fan or blower is necessary to remove heat. A67-1010; A73-1081
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Wardian Cases

Wardian Cases Comments
WARDIAN CASES: Construction and Operation Large enough for 21 selected plants, cultivated in a "plantarium", with comments and success rate. OR81-350 0
WARDIAN CASES: Hermetically Sealed Model It can reproduce any climate from desert to swamp by adjustment; native terrestrial cymbidiums bloom without watering; refer to A69-1068+ 0
WARDIAN CASES: Indoor Orchid House Sixty plants grown in a space 30 in. by 20 in. by 30 in. high, with a humidity tray, a soil-heating cable, enclosing clear shower-curtain and polyethylene top, a socket grow-lamp and an outside window-light, a "canned" light for maintaining warmth, with air convection; it enabled brassias, brassavolas, etc., to flower well; refer to Ca84(3)-32 0
WARDIAN CASES: Thirty Plants Under One Fluorescent Tube Resulted in the plants turning white and yellow from lack of light mainly; needed are four fluorescent tubes four ft. long; the plant leaves should be three inches below the lights, A63-303; A69-424 0
WARDIAN CASES: Utility It is considered by many to be "too close" for best growing, except for the "Jewel" orchids such as Ludisia discolor, and others, or some very tropical terrestrials. A86-923 0

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