Category: Culture

PUNGA: Plant Mounts

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago A native material; slabs of it can be very acidic, so it is best soaked well in water with dolomite lime at the rate of 2 ttpg. NZ87-112 Read More

RAIN MATIC VALVE: A Control for Misting

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago It runs on 4 D batteries anywhere; it is in a box with a computer and controls, is priced about $60.; can be set to water from one to 99 minutes up to eight times daily, one to seven days a week. O... Read More

RAINWATER: Abnormal Acidity

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago Where acid rain occurs the heavy metal elements are leached from the soil so there is loss of copper, zinc, lead and trace elements and the vegetation is killed because the pH drops to 4.8; calcium... Read More

RAINWATER: Characteristies

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago In many places rain water is laced with chemicals and can be acid; most of it is as pure or purer than tap water; it can be collected and stored in clean tanks not chromed or tarred for use on orch... Read More

RAINWATER: A Cistern to Collect It

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago A 1000 gallon (4545 liters) cistern can be constructed with cement blocks, lined with a double 6mil. layer of polyethylene sheet, with styrofoai insulation placed between the blocks and the poly fo... Read More

RAINWATER: Collected

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago A particular roof area collects 2000 gallons of water with a one inch rainfall; it is stored in a 9000 gallon cistern; is electrically heated to 76 dF to temper it when being applied to the plants ... Read More

REDWOOD: Characteristics

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago There is no evidence of toxicity derived from it; it is used for greenhouse construction and as an ingredient in potting mixes as bark chips or shredded bark, also known as Palco Wool; very acid, k... Read More

REPOTTING: Basic Rules Everyone Should Follow

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago Do it at least once every two years, although there can be exceptions; both heavy watering and fertilizing can shorten this period; sympodials can be done either when root growth begins in spring a... Read More

REPOTTING: When in Doubt

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago Repot paphiopedilums any time because it is almost impossible to repot them too often; if a plant shows sgns of stress or suffering, repot it. OR80-162 Read More

REST: For Dendrobiums

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago As exemplified by D.Gatton Sunray, after growth is comple ted in the Fall, allow the plant to dry for four or six weeks then give it a good soaking; if shrivelling of canes does occur in the meanti... Read More


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