Grexes of Genus Papilionanda Starting with Letter [N]

Found 27 grex names.
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Genus Name Genus Grex Name *Status Author Year Cross
Papilionanda Pda Nalu J.K.Noa 1962 Emma van Deventer x coerulea Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nam Kee Singapore Bot.Gdns 1949 Cooperi x Marguerite Maron Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nanda Piyasena J.Piyasena 1981 Josephine van Brero x Guo Chia Long Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Naoki Kawamura Motes 2015 Arjuna x cristata Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Naomi Kagawa H.Kagawa 1967 Alice Fukunaga x Leslie H. Kagawa Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda National University of Singapore OSSEA 2017 Tan Chay Yan x Impact Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Navanij Sa-ard Naothinsuka 1958 La Coquette x coerulea Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nawaz Sharif Singapore Bot.Gdns 1999 Josephine van Brero x Nina Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nellie Bly R.Perreira 1984 Patricia Low x Bewitched Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nellie Choo Choo Yeok Koon 1960 Ruby Prince x Bill Sutton Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nellie Morley Morley 1952 Emma van Deventer x sanderiana Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Newborn Wilkins Orch. 1981 Patricia Low x Sunkist (1966) Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Ng Boon Gee Gardens by the Bay 2014 Mevr. L. Velthuis x Poy Thong Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Ng Keng Soon Whang Tar Choung 1964 Tan Chay Yan x Ellen Noa Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nicholas Keith M.W.G.Keith 1997 Mimi Palmer x Meda Arnold Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nikol Pashinyan-Anna Hakobyan Singapore BG 2019 Doctor and Mrs William Chan x Doctor Anek Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Noboru R.Tanaka 1951 Clara Shipman Fisher x Miss Joaquim Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Noel O.Kirsch 1954 Monacensis x Miss Joaquim Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Noel Saki Malayan O.Ny. 1965 Noel x Manisaki Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nohonani O.Kirsch 1964 Nora Potter x Bill Sutton Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nona Manis K.F.Yap 1974 Josephine van Brero x Kekaseh Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nonthaburi T.Orchids 1992 Josephine van Brero x Gulf of Siam Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nora Potter O.Kirsch 1949 coerulea x Mevr. L. Velthuis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Nora Tokunaga H & R 1989 Mevr. L. Velthuis x Maui Sunshine Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Norbert Alphonso Singapore Bot.Gdns 1950 Alice Laycock x Cooperi Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Noriko Sumida T.Sumida 1995 Woodlawn Glory x Teoh Chee Keat Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Papilionanda Pda Novelty S'pore Orchids 1981 Josephine van Brero x Madame Nok Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
*A Status of "Valid" for a species means it is the name accepted by taxonomists per the Kew List of Monocots ; for a hybrid it means it is the correct genus according to the Royal Horticulture Society

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