Grexes of Genus Phragmipedium Starting with Letter [H]

Found 35 grex names.
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Genus Name Genus Grex Name *Status Author Year Cross
Phragmipedium Phrag Hai Dang N Le ThienNgo Le 2019 Eric Young x Grande Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Haie Fleurie E.Young O.F. 2017 Memoria Mariza Rolando x Casselman River Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Haley Decker Piping Rock Orch. 2007 kovachii x Saint Ouen Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hanabi Meredith Ken.Wilson 2015 Twilight x dalessandroi Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hang Fire D.Pulley 2002 Summer Fire x humboldtii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hanischianum Sanders[St Albans] 1893 boissierianum x Cardinale Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hanne Dale J.Grantham 2002 Cardinale x Hanne Popow Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hanne Popow H.Doll 1991 besseae x schlimii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Harbinger's Grasshopper Harbinger 1995 wallisii x boissierianum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hardyanum Hardy 1892 Calurum x caudatum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Haroldeen Quintal Piping Rock Orch. 2011 Cape Gold Nugget x schlimii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag hartwegii (Rchb.f.) Pfitzer in H.G.A.Engler (ed.) 1903 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hat Creek Woodstream 2008 hartwegii x fischeri Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hautes Croix E.Young O.F. 2004 Eric Young x Jersey Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hautlieu E.Young O.F. 2004 Jersey x longifolium Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Havre des Pas E.Young O.F. 2002 Longueville x Hanne Popow Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Helmut Röhrl O.Gruss 2003 Sedenii x humboldtii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hercules M.LeDoux 2004 Giganteum x wallisii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag High Voltage M.LeDoux 2009 Red Lightning x Grande Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Highway to Hell Orchids Ltd [MN] 2015 Stairway to Heaven x humboldtii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hilmar Bauch Unreg H.Bauch 2019 Les Dirouilles x Fritz Schomburg Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hilmar Bauch Unreg 2 H.Bauch 2019 andreettae x hartwegii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag hincksianum (Rchb.f.) Garay 1979 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag hirtzii Valid Dodson 1988 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hochgern F.Glanz 1999 lindleyanum x vittatum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hokulani Quintal Quintal 2015 Suzanne Decker x fischeri Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Holly Huizing B.Huizing 2000 Andean Fire x schlimii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Holy Smoke Woodstream 2004 Saint Ouen x Saint Peter Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Horse Heaven Woodstream 2017 Wild Horse Valley x Hat Creek Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hot Lips G.Decker 2002 Hanne Popow x Living Fire Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hot Pursuit Woodstream 2004 Saint's Apprentice x Memoria Ruth Omeis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hot Shot Woodstream 2006 Elizabeth Castle x Memoria Dick Clements Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag H. P. Norton G.Ramsey 2017 Grande x Living Fire Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag humboldtii Valid (Warsz.) J.T.Atwood & Dressler 1999 Species Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Phragmipedium Phrag Hummingbird Orchids Ltd [MN] 2007 klotzscheanum x longifolium Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
*A Status of "Valid" for a species means it is the name accepted by taxonomists per the Kew List of Monocots ; for a hybrid it means it is the correct genus according to the Royal Horticulture Society

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