Callista. spectabilis in Cultivation by Members

Found 24 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
BJ Lough Den. spectabile I-W Cream-Brown S. New Guinea
Brandon Orihuela Den. spectabile
Cara Anderson Den. spectabile 2” pot in bark
Cara Anderson Den. spectabile 'Hoosier' 8” pot with bark and rock.
Clyde Montgomery II Den. spectabile
Cody Sachtjen Den. spectabile var. flavum
Frances LaVigne Den. spectabile
Gilda Gómez Den. spectabile In basket with lava rock, leyca and a little spaghnum moss, in open sunlight.
Günther Eilers Den. spectabile
Günther Eilers Den. spectabile var. aureum
Jefferson Lenzi Den. spectabile
Louis Wilson Den. spectabile No. 23
Mary Lane Den. spectabile
Patricia solakian Den. spectabile
R .Benson Den. spectabile 'Shorty' This is a dwarf version and does not get as tall as the normal spectabile which makes it easy to grow under lights. The foliage is a beautiful shiny green. It is an easy grower and can withstand ... Read more
Rebecca Johnson Den. spectabile
sarah lynne Den. spectabile
s mcn Den. spectabile
Steven Kirincich Den. spectabile 1 mature plant & 15 seedlings
Terre Moore Den. spectabile
Tiffany Parisi Den. spectabile
Vanessa Monteiro Den. spectabile
William Gorski Den. spectabile course orchid mix, full sun on screened lanai
Wyatt Parker Den. spectabile Mounted in fern tree pot