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L. violacea in Cultivation by Members

Found 8 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Damian Hernandez L. rubescens var. semi alba
Jeanne Uzar Hudson L. rubescens
Jeanne Uzar Hudson L. rubescens
Jeanne Uzar Hudson L. rubescens
Jeanne Uzar Hudson L. rubescens
Roberto Lizama L. rubescens Many years ago, I rescued this plants from death. Some trees were cutted and the orchids exposed to sun and death. I collected as much I can and put them in my garden. Every year I receive this exp... Read more
Roberto Lizama L. rubescens 'San Pedro Sula, Honduras' This orchid is from San Pedro Sula, Honduras. I have it registered as L. rubescens, but it has a lip slightly different from the other rubescens, possibly some variant. With a warm and humid climate.
Shawn Dvorak L. rubescens