The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Cattleyas, Miniature

Cattleyas, Miniature Comments
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Breeding Miniaturization and its advantages in the small greenhouse; the best clones for breeding, their main characteristics, crossing with other genera; for details refer to W10-165 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Breeding and Growing Breeding guidance and plant criteria for a large number of species and hybrids in Sophronitis, Laelia and Cattleya; refer to A82-460Definitions, requirements, cultural advice, from temperatures to potting mixes, with critical notes, observations, descriptions of interesting species and hybrids; refer to F84-16; 234; A85-1337 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Pests That Afflict Them Scales, leaf- and flower-spotting fungi, black rot and virus infection, types, discussion, recommended chemical and cultural controls, with illus.; refer to A84-122 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Pronunciation The correct way is KAT-lee-uh, not cattle-LAY-ya; will they ever learn? A86-147 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Pruning If latent eyes or new growth produces second but inferior growths toward formation of pseudobulbs, they can be broken off to reduce all growth to one eye or one growth. AU87Winter-59 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Repotting Procedures Step by step advice for the hesitant. F84-229 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Rest After Repotting No rest period is necessary if it is potted at the right season and is placed in a shady, warm and humid spot until properly rooted. A84-367 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Seedlings When deflasked into community pots they require slightly more frequent watering, more shade, slightly less fertilizer. A86-815 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Sheathing Removal From Pseudobulbs It is recommended at repotting time to remove a sheathing if it is brown or dark, to check for fungi or hiding insects as it is a favorite place for them; treat with an insecticide or miticide and clean with a soft toothbrush. F84-229 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Sheaths Dry Out Without Buds Reasons are variable and uncertain but C. mossiae hybrids produce flowers after sheaths dry, they flower fall to spring; if the problem is wide-spread the culture may be faulty; other causes may be too much heat or too dry, too much fertilizer or noxious fumes from a heater. A84-473 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Species for 15 related species described as miniatures with 38 hybrids derived from them; refer to W11-205 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Splashed Petal Types One peloric clone of Cattleya intermedia with the varietal name 'Aquinii1 is the basis for a wide range of hybrids though it is not the only one; 18 hybrids described with many illus. F85-20 0
CATTLEYAS, MINIATURE: Under Lights C. trianaei or C. labiata hybrids will not flower if lights are on for more than 14 hours a day so cut the time to 12 hours or less in winter. A84-473The unifoliates turn into bifoliates; normal unifoliates sometimes produce two leaves depending on the hybrid; if they do not flower under lights it is probable that the "day-length" is too long for them. A84-1182; A87-950 0

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