Insects |
Comments |
INSECTS: Control in Greenhouse by Predators
Use of Lady-biEd beetles and Praying mantis claimed to be successful; refer to A69-606
INSECTS: Control with "safe" Insecticides
Leftover tobacco from cigarette butts has eliminated springtails (without regard for virus); rotenone and pyrethrum are sometimes considered harmless to warm-blooded animals; but note, this is hardly so because Pyrethrins have an LD-50 of 680, and Rotenone has an LD-50 of 132, compared to Malathion which has an LD-50 of 880! A65-713+
INSECTS: In Florida
For a four-page list of arthopods (insects, arachnids) reported found on orchids, refer to DK25+
INSECTS: Resistance and Persistence
For reasons why insecticides become tolerated by insects, refer to OD69-309+
INSECTS: Small Flying and Leaping Insects
A control for those found on plants left indoors during the summer: Cygon 2E, 2 tpg. as a heavy spray on medium surface. A74-595