Keikis |
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KEIKI PASTE: Initiates Keikis Without Many Roots
Try the rooting hormone Hormodin #1, or #2, dissolved in ethyl alcohol and applied to the base of the keiki to see if it will promote roots. A81-393
KEIKIS: Appearing At Base of Angraecum
It should be removed when its roots appear; otherwise cut off and discard. A75-876
KEIKIS: Best Time to Remove From Dendrobiums
Remove and pot them when roots are one inch or more. A78-698
KEIKIS: Evidence of Poor Culture
When a plant throws keikis it is being grown incorrectly. OD69-51
KEIKIS: Inducing Root Growth When Forming on Monopodials
Cut them off, pot them, water them and place them in a polyethylene bag. A69-55
KEIKIS: Induction
By use of cytokinin or plant hormones; use 6-Benzylaminopurine mixed with pure lanolin at a ratio of 750ppm; apply to the exposed dormant eye of a vanda and a keiki appears in 60 days. OR80-164
KEIKIS: On Dendrobium Nobile
They can be caused by a check in the growth of the main plant; plant may be potbound; provide good culture. A66-134
KEIKIS: On Dendrobium Victoria-reginae
When the keiki roots are one or two inches long they can be potted in a medium slightly firmer than the host pot. A79-370
KEIKIS: On Paphiopedilum Roots
Some originate growth on roots, outside the leaf axils, which suggest the possibility of further propagation. A82-21
KEIKIS: On Phalaenopsis
Best time to remove for potting is when roots are one to one and a half inches long; remove and place in a small pot in the same medium as for the parent but chopped finer. A69-340; A77-108Flower spikes appear but no bloom; change the temperature gradually to 50 to 55 deg.F. at night for several weeks. A79-455Formation expectations in propagation according to species and hybrids named; tip-, and node-, inflorencences; one root-inflorescence. NH74(3)17+Good growing conditions with night temperatures of 54 to 63 deg.F. and days of 77 to 81 deg.F. to produce flowering spikes; then subjected to 81 deg.F. to grow extremely quickly and if the terminal bud of flower shoot is removed, keikis will be produced which in eight to 10 months are as well grown as four to five year olds. OR77-4Keikis appear but no flowers show; the plant needs adequate fertilizer; try restricting the roots in a smaller pot and/or expose the plant to two weeks of cool temperature at 55 dF at night, to stimulate flow...
KEIKIS: On Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana
Culture is the key; possibly too little light, or too much water or potting medium too dense; over-fertilizing also causes keikis to appear. A77-449
Fertilizer at the rate of 50 ppm. could cause them to appear; check for root injury or decomposition of the medium. A71-153
KEIKIS: On Phalaenopsis Under Lights
Formation on stems is often an indication of unfavorable climate; check the roots; perhaps increase the light and humidity. A75-618
KEIKIS: On Unusual Plants
They can appear on Brassavola nodosa, B. cucullata, and Peristeria elata, unusual plants for this type of propagation. A83-266
KEIKIS: On Vandas
To induce them to grow use 6-benzylaminopurine; in aqueous solutions in concentration of one to 100 ppm.; or in paste or salve with lanolin; refer to A77-415+; A78-495; A78-909When the off-shoots at the base of the parent plant develop their own roots the keikis can be broken off and potted. A67-330
KEIKIS: Treatment
When the roots are about two inches long, the keiki can be removed from the dendrobium cane, and planted in the same medium as the parent. A85-435; repot when fresh root growth is first noticed. A86-363