Petal Blight |
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It is common during cool, damp weather, with poor air circulation; most harmed by it are cattleya and phalaenopsis flowers; destroy all infected blossoms quickly, spray with benomyl (Benlate 50W) at Ittpg,, or Physan at ittpg. AH86-90
PETAL BLIGHT: Botrytis cinerea
It is confined to older flowers during cold damp weather; it is most common on various genera; small, circular spots often bordered by a delicate rim of pink; the imperfect stage Botrytis cinerea is the most destructive; destroys flowers; spray with Benlate 50WP at 1 ttpg. 30 days apart; also spray flowers just prior to opening. BU43
PETAL BLIGHT: Caused by Fungi Other Than Botrytis
16 other fungi have been found as causes; many are saprophytes living on decaying leaves, flowers, potting mixes; all such must be removed from under benches and bench tops; periodical spraying of floors, walls, ceiling and plant foliage with fungicide such as Captan, Actidione, Nabam, Zineb, Maneb, Ferbam, etc. is necessary; use Nystatin or Natriphene on cut flowers. A66-107; AH35