Repotting Keikis


by Ned Nash

Originally published in The Florida Orchidist

Posted by Sys Admin over 11 years ago.

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Question:  I have a healthy vanda that flowers freely. Now, however, it is growing two plantlets. How do I remove them and pot into their own baskets? M.H. Starzinger

Answer:  The offsets are known as keikis which means “baby” in Hawaiian. When the young plants have developed roots of their own that are 2 inches or more long, they can usually be broken off the mother plant quite easily. Some growers snap them off, while others sever them with a sterilized blade, taking care not to injure the main stem. Winter is not a good time to perform this operation, however, especially as far north as you are. Rather, wait until spring when you see active new root growth. The plants may then be put into appropriately sized baskets and will quickly establish. Alternately, you may wish to simply leave the keikis attached and allow the plant to form a clump, which will give proportionately more flowers than will the single stem. See our Video Library for tutorials on removing and potting keikis.

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