Orchid Genus Paphiopedilum


Grexes of Genus Paphiopedilum Most Popular in Cultivation

Genus Grex Name Cross Genus Name
Add+ Paph acmodontum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph adductum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph appletonianum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph argus Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph armeniacum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph barbatum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph barbigerum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph bellatulum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph bullenianum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph callosum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph charlesworthii Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph ciliolare Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph concolor Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph dayanum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph delenatii Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph dianthum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph druryi Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph emersonii Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph exul Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph fairrieanum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph fowliei Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph gigantifolium Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph glanduliferum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph glaucophyllum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph godefroyae Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph gratrixianum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph hangianum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph haynaldianum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph helenae Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph hennisianum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph henryanum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph hirsutissimum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph hookerae Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph insigne Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph jackii Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph javanicum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph kolopakingii Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph lawrenceanum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph leucochilum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph liemianum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph lowii Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph malipoense Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph mastersianum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph micranthum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph moquetteanum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph niveum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph parishii Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph philippinense Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph platyphyllum Species Paphiopedilum
Add+ Paph primulinum Species Paphiopedilum

Grexes of Genus Paphiopedilum by First Letter of Name

New Topics

  1. Mary Lane asked question Orchid roots .com site? in category General Discussion
  2. David George asked question recently purchased orchid shows unstoppable roots in category General Discussion
  3. katherine mott asked question shorter stem with less vigorous blooms in category Phalaenopsis

New Comments

  1. Kevin Bergeson commented on member plant Paph. rothschildianum by Kevin Bergeson
  2. William Gorski commented on topic "Orchid roots .com site?" by Mary Lane
  3. Carol Holdren commented on topic "recently purchased orchid shows unstoppable roots " by David George
  4. Michael Makio commented on orchid V. Beatrice Makio
  5. Carol Holdren commented on topic "shorter stem with less vigorous blooms" by katherine mott
  6. Carol Holdren commented on topic "need info on yellow bird" by Glenda Ratliff
  7. Carol Holdren commented on topic "Looking to join an orchid club." by Paula Milano
  8. Jeanne Uzar Hudson commented on topic "Repotting Large Cattleyas" by Jeanne Uzar Hudson
  9. Jeanne Uzar Hudson commented on member plant Paph. malipoense by Jeanne Uzar Hudson
  10. William Gorski commented on topic "how difficult is it growing from seed" by kevan gregory