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Carol Holdren topic "Cattleya little susie" by Juliann Eckhard Hi Juliann, there is a Bc. Little Suzie and a Ctt. Little... 9 months ago.
Carol Holdren member plant Bc. Morning Glory by Chris Siolo Wow! Good growing and a beautiful flower! 10 months ago.
R .Benson member plant Kir. New Hybrid (Fred Clarke) SVO9831 by R .Benson I haven't noticed the a fragrance from my plant but it is... 10 months ago.
R .Benson member plant Kir. New Hybrid (Fred Clarke) SVO9831 by R .Benson "Jungle Elf (L. esalqueana x C. aclandiae) has 2-3 yellow... 10 months ago.
Carol Holdren topic "Blooming Stenglottis Venus “jamboree “" by John Urey Hi John, Looking up Sngl. Venus, it is half fimbriata and... 10 months ago.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson member plant Lc. Canhamiana var. coerulea 'Cobalt' by Jeanne Uzar Hudson Growing in my mix with Sequoia Fir Bark. 10 months ago.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson member plant Sns. gemmata by Jeanne Uzar Hudson A gift from a friend, it blooms regularly. 10 months ago.
Stefan Neher topic "Orchid roots .com site?" by Mary Lane They had an attack, which disallowed any new traffic to e... 10 months ago.
Kevin Barry member plant Bul. Tammie Sue Pernas by Tony Pernas Great colouring. How old is the plant? 11 months ago.
Kevin Bergeson member plant Paph. rothschildianum by Kevin Bergeson 1st bloom spring 2024 11 months ago.
William Gorski topic "Orchid roots .com site?" by Mary Lane The site is back up and appears to have ... 11 months ago.
Melvin Waki topic "Orchid roots .com site?" by Mary Lane Same question here. Any update on what has happened to b... 11 months ago.
Carol Holdren topic "recently purchased orchid shows unstoppable roots " by David George I don’t think there is a limit? Try again 12 months ago.
Michael Makio orchid V. Beatrice Makio Very rare. 12 months ago.
Carol Holdren topic "shorter stem with less vigorous blooms" by katherine mott Fertilize! Reduce water & fertilizer when temps are cool. 12 months ago.
Carol Holdren topic "shorter stem with less vigorous blooms" by katherine mott And phals do like to be repotted. If you are growing ins... 12 months ago.
Carol Holdren topic "shorter stem with less vigorous blooms" by katherine mott Also, when purchasing plants look for ones w 2 spikes 12 months ago.
Carol Holdren topic "shorter stem with less vigorous blooms" by katherine mott If you have a local grower or society, visit them and see... 12 months ago.
Carol Holdren topic "shorter stem with less vigorous blooms" by katherine mott Katherine, it sounds like you are doing a great job w you... 12 months ago.
Carol Holdren topic "need info on yellow bird" by Glenda Ratliff Glenda, BL. Yellow Bird is a great orchid, one that I rec... 12 months ago.