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Carol Holdren topic "Looking to join an orchid club." by Paula Milano Hi Paula, I did send you an email on this. You can look u... 12 months ago.
Glenda Ratliff topic "need info on yellow bird" by Glenda Ratliff How do I get a yellow bird orchid to thrive outside? 12 months ago.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson topic "Repotting Large Cattleyas" by Jeanne Uzar Hudson Carol, who was the speaker that spoke on larger Catts? about 1 year ago.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson member plant Paph. malipoense by Jeanne Uzar Hudson Not for Sale. about 1 year ago.
William Gorski topic "how difficult is it growing from seed" by kevan gregory Check out the youtube videos of "The Plant Propagator" J... about 1 year ago.
Purnell Hopson Jr. member plant Paph. malipoense by Jeanne Uzar Hudson I see on the site you have a Paph. malipoense. Is it for ... about 1 year ago.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson topic "how difficult is it growing from seed" by kevan gregory Difficult. There is a program by Bridget Uzar of Carter ... about 1 year ago.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson topic "Repotting Large Cattleyas" by Jeanne Uzar Hudson I noticed tonight that the St Augustine OS is having a sp... about 1 year ago.
Carol Holdren topic "Information " by Carmen Britton Hi Carmen! Welcome to the orchid community. If your pla... about 1 year ago.
Carol Holdren topic "Repotting Large Cattleyas" by Jeanne Uzar Hudson We had a speaker who specialized in large Catts - they gr... about 1 year ago.
Carol Holdren member plant C. lueddemanniana var. Coerulea, Venosa by Paulo Fiuza Wow! Beautiful species!! about 1 year ago.
William Gorski topic "Repotting Large Cattleyas" by Jeanne Uzar Hudson Large specimen plants are very nice but difficult to hand... about 1 year ago.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson topic "Banrot 40WP" by Therese Stecher Chemicals scare me too ! My first husband was a commerci... about 1 year ago.
Maria Lucia Prieto Real orchid Rlc. Village Chief Armani Where could I buy a bulb of Cattleya Village Chief Armani ? about 1 year ago.
Mariana Chacon orchid Gom. Jiaho Queen I want to buy this orchid, I'm in Bogota, Colombia about 1 year ago.
Roberto Lizama member plant Max. dillonii by Roberto Lizama Florece de dic a feb about 1 year ago.
Nancy Speedy scheduled event "2024 Orchid show Martin County "Ocean of Orchids"" by Martin County Orchid Society The Martin County Model Railroad Club will be joining our... about 1 year ago.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson member plant Paph. Fanaticum by Jeanne Uzar Hudson Purchased from Big Leaf Orchids in June 2018. about 1 year ago.
R .Benson member plant Den. Tianmu Green Elf 'Sweetheart' by R .Benson Bloom Jan 2024 about 1 year ago.
Alice Walker article "Oeniella polystachys" by Tom Kuligowski A very thorough article. Bought one this weekend at Tamia... about 1 year ago.