All Recent Topics

Member Category Title Body Date
Stephen Van Kampen-Lewis General Discussion PET style method of Catasetum potting- UPDATED

I made another PET video and hopefully this one is mor...

about 5 years ago.
James Bixler General Discussion Eulophia andamanenis

Just a note out to all:  My Eulophia andamanenis ...

about 5 years ago.
Jackie Hartter General Discussion Oncidium cheirophorum

Just purchased a Oncidium Cheirophorum.  It is my...

about 5 years ago.
James Bixler Beginners Another blooming "Unknown"

Hi, you wonderful folks helped me ID my Zygopetalum ma...

about 5 years ago.
John Small General Discussion Fungal attack

I took a Pot. Love Triangle to the Mounts Thursday and...

about 5 years ago.
Michael Pye OrchidWiz OrchidWiz

In OrchidWiz, if I have am unregistered cross in my My...

over 5 years ago.
bob lewis Cattleya Alliance looking for info about an unregistered cattleya

...good afternoon to neighbor grows some orch...

over 5 years ago.
jamie m phillips Vandaceous VANDA IDENTIFYING BY TAG TLM812 V. LEGACY BLACK


over 5 years ago.
Harry Dillberger General Discussion Orchid cattleya? But genus and species name?

Good evening, please identify this beutiful orchid for...

over 5 years ago.
John Marmaro Scientific Greenfly Orchid: the name game [taxonomy]

The long-standing name of the "Greenfly Orchid&qu...

over 5 years ago.
Jackie Hartter General Discussion Zygopetalum Orchid

Do I cut the flower stalk off after flowers drop right...

over 5 years ago.
Bruce M Gelman General Discussion Arachnis species

Can anyone tell me where to source the members of this...

over 5 years ago.
Kevin Fernandez General Discussion Den. Keikis

I puchased this Den.Kingianum about 2 months ago and h...

over 5 years ago.
Kevin Fernandez General Discussion Vandachostylis Prapawan I have had this plant for at least 2 years and seems heal... over 5 years ago.
Holly Slimak General Discussion Mildred wieland My grandfather made this hybrid and named it after my gra... over 5 years ago.
Ashley Gardner General Discussion Vanda David Gardner 'Ashley"


I am the daughter of Dr. David Gardne...

over 5 years ago.
Jamaal Hooker General Discussion Endemic orchids in Puerto Rico

Does anyone have a list of the endemic orchids in Puer...

over 5 years ago.
Michael Heffernan General Discussion Ruby Eyes ‘Tetra Baron’


was just wondering if anyone would have a...

over 5 years ago.
Kevin Fernandez Vandaceous Unknow orchid

I'm still very new to this site and I hope that i...

over 5 years ago.
Kevin Fernandez General Discussion Yellow leaves

I would like to say hel...

over 5 years ago.
Karen Kaye General Discussion details for care. Food, fan location etc over 5 years ago.
Jeanne Uzar Hudson General Discussion Looking for Plant Identification over 5 years ago.
John Small General Discussion One And The Same?

Are Epilc. Golden Sunburst and Eny. Golden Sunburst on...

over 5 years ago.
Ashley Matherne Cattleya Alliance orchid search

I am trying to lociate someone who may have Cattleya L...

over 5 years ago.
Elizabeth Padilla Dendrobiums Help with ID, Please & Than You!

ID help, please. 

I received this beaut...

over 5 years ago.
Moises Viana General Discussion I need help identifying this orchid over 5 years ago.
Polina Alexander Phalaenopsis Anyone has Happy Valentine for sale or trade?

Hello, I am trying to get this type for a long time an...

over 5 years ago.
Gabriel Simões General Discussion I need help identifying this plant

I'm guessing it could be a 


How do I get my Orchid Number?

almost 6 years ago.
shirleen trabeaux General Discussion Epidendrium Costa Rica

Where can I buy an Epidendrum Costa Rica?  Prefer...

almost 6 years ago.
William Schinella General Discussion I want to know how to name this plant

I think it might be a Catelaya Hibrid but I am not sur...

almost 6 years ago.
John Marmaro Cattleya Alliance Availability of a particular primary hybrid


I have been looking high nd low f...

almost 6 years ago.
Jerri campbell Cattleya Alliance Identify this plant.

Can anyone tell me the name of this cattleya.  It...

almost 6 years ago.
Richard Whyte General Discussion unable to add orchid to my collection


I tried to add an orchid I have and a pho...

almost 6 years ago.
Michael Pye OrchidWiz Labels

I know i have asked this before, but could you please ...

almost 6 years ago.
Mary Lane General Discussion Editing a Plant Entry

Is anyone else having difficulty? I can’t get th...

about 6 years ago.
Frances LaVigne General Discussion Can anyone ID this dendrobium.

This Den. noid has 8 spikes. It had 3-4 of the first b...

about 6 years ago.
Mary Lane General Discussion Add an orchid to my space

The program doesn’t allow me to do this. It is a...

about 6 years ago.
Milena Radeva Phalaenopsis Orchid name

 Does anyone recognizes this baby and knows ...

about 6 years ago.