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Member Category Title Body Date
Gilda Gómez General Discussion Dendrobium loddigesii

Hello out there orchid lovers.  Newbie here to th...

about 6 years ago.
Edward Zapata General Discussion Selfing Question on Pollinating.

If you are going to do a selfing pollination on a BLC ...

about 6 years ago.
Edward Zapata General Discussion Name of Cymbidium? about 6 years ago.
Adrienne Alexander General Discussion Can Zygopetalum (genus) be added to the look-up?

Could the administrator add Zygopetalum (genus) and it...

over 6 years ago.
Adrienne Alexander General Discussion Zygopetalum

Would love to hear from others about their Zygopetalum...

over 6 years ago.
Pieter Opperman General Discussion Some advice please

I acquired this BLC Hsinying Emperor 'Hsinying'...

over 6 years ago.
Susan Makar General Discussion "Aztec Gold"

Good morning / Good evening,

Question: Has a...

over 6 years ago.
Alison Brown General Discussion BLC can anyone tell me the hybrid name

Brought this several years ago from an orchid club eve...

over 6 years ago.
Al Gerard General Discussion Nitrogen levels?

Hi Folks, I have a guestion regarding Nitrogen le...

over 6 years ago.
Raina Steiner General Discussion Ellison Onizuka

A long time ago, I had an orchid named Ellison Onizuka...

over 6 years ago.
Adrienne Alexander General Discussion How to add a not-listed plant

I have quite a few plants that are either named or who...

over 6 years ago.
Juan Martin Cabrejos General Discussion Any idea of this Cattleya?

Got this bifoliate catt some time ago. No idea waht it...

over 6 years ago.
Karl Olsen Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis Hope Star

Some time ago I was able to get hold of a Phallie labe...

over 6 years ago.
Brenda Sharpe General Discussion Dendrobium clavator

Can anyone tell me what medium they use to pot Dendrob...

over 6 years ago.
Greg Barne General Discussion Using triacontanol on orchids

I am looking for information on how to use triacontano...

over 6 years ago.
Carol Holdren General Discussion Orchid History

Cattleya Hybrida, a cross between C guttata x C loddig...

almost 8 years ago.
Tom De Mello Dendrobiums Dendrobium wardianum

Would anyone have this plant for sale or know where I ...

almost 8 years ago.
Dave Groffen Dendrobiums Dendrobium sutiknoi hybrids

The image is of a first flowering Den. sutiknoi

about 8 years ago.