All Recent Topics

Member Category Title Body Date
Robert Stagner General Discussion cattleya mossiae Willowbrook

Searching for Cattleya mossiae Willowbrook for sale.&n...

about 3 years ago.
Judith Pariseau Paph Alliance Paphiopedilum culture differences

Hi, I'm a new member and have been growing orchids...

about 3 years ago.
Marc Lefkowitz Bulbophyllums Bulbophyllum

I am looking for the bulbophyllum kalimpong and need a...

over 3 years ago.
Tony Borowiecki Oncidium Alliance Can a Bealleara re-flower

I mistakenlly entered this in the wrong category. I un...

over 3 years ago.
Tony Borowiecki Dendrobiums Re-flowering Orchids

(1.) Can a "Beallara Tahoma Glacier" be indu...

over 3 years ago.
Sylvia Spence General Discussion How to care for my new orchid

 The flowers have fallen off my new Lois Spangler...

over 3 years ago.
Kim Loan T Nguyen General Discussion Brassolaeliocattleyamaianh

I am looking for this orchid that was name after the e...

over 3 years ago.
Paula Milano General Discussion Pot. Hawaiian prominence america red orchid

I am looking for the best conditions and care tips for...

over 3 years ago.
ETHEL HAY General Discussion Name of this orchid I have a cymbidium labelled tethys black magic x hellfi... over 3 years ago.
Joe L Oncidium Alliance ID of this Oncidium?

Just got this no ID from a local dealer, he's not ...

over 3 years ago.
Edward Zapata General Discussion Cymbidium Helen Bannerman

Cymbidium Little Black Sambo is now re-registered as C...

over 3 years ago.
David Hickman General Discussion Mystery Orchid

My neighbor asked me to identify - I don't know, d...

over 3 years ago.
Tammy Bennett Phalaenopsis LOOKING to BUY -Phalanopis “Dragon Tree Maple”

Looking for an I D on this plant/flower it's MIA!!...

over 3 years ago.
John Hyatt Cattleya Alliance Deformed growths on BLC King of Taiwan

My plants (2 divisions) of BLC King of Taiwan 'Ta-...

over 3 years ago.
Darrin Duling General Discussion Unidentified Bratonia

Can anyone identify this  - what I assume is - Br...

over 3 years ago.
Armando Mantellini Cattleya Alliance Cattleya jenmanii missing awards

Cattleya jenmanii has been awarded in Venezuela with t...

over 3 years ago.
Darrin Duling Paph Alliance Phragmipedium Cape Sunset or Eric Young?

This recently acquired plant in our collections is&nbs...

over 3 years ago.
Oliver Quin Surco General Discussion Need ID, Please

Necesito ayuda para poder identificar mejor

over 3 years ago.
Michael Cole General Discussion Phaius Joan Hart

Where can I find this orchid and other Phaius types?

over 3 years ago.
Huu Phuc Nguyen General Discussion I lost my id , please help me find them again.

Ok I am new to this. Has anyone seen a 5 stem orchid l...

over 3 years ago.
Debbie Chase General Discussion Identify This Orchid over 3 years ago.
Pam Alexander General Discussion How to repot a Mattie Shave

My daughter asked me to "save" her Mattie Sh...

almost 4 years ago.
Rae Walker General Discussion Name help

I have a enc.oncidioides X enc. linearifolioides. &nbs...

almost 4 years ago.
John Small General Discussion Schomburgkia, species or hybrid almost 4 years ago.
Robert H. Findlay General Discussion Help with ID of this Eria sp.

Osura Mindula Gunasena General Discussion Help to Identify the Id of this Vanda

Maricarmen Ferreira General Discussion Care for Myl Quest Fanguito

Hello all, I won today this 15 year old Myl Quest Fang...

almost 4 years ago.
Polina Alexander General Discussion Looking for Doritaenopsis Happy Valentine

Hi All! Anybody has a Doritaenopsis Happy Valentine to...

about 4 years ago.
Debbie Chase General Discussion Head on Shot to be Identified

This is the best I could do as far as head on.  H...

about 4 years ago.
Debbie Chase General Discussion Identify Orchid


Please help me to identify this orchid....

about 4 years ago.
Mark Ashworth General Discussion Orchid species search


Is there anyone who could help me in ...

about 4 years ago.
John Small General Discussion Lady Bug or dangerous bug

I found this on the flower of my Brassia Up The Water ...

about 4 years ago.
John Small General Discussion Paper Wasp?

I found this on one of my oncidium intergenerics one m...

about 4 years ago.
Sharie Heckaman General Discussion Photos of plants

It really is too bad that when you add more photos of ...

about 4 years ago.
Roberto Lizama General Discussion Orchid identification

Please your help to identify this orchid. It is from G...

about 4 years ago.
Roberto Lizama General Discussion Help to idenficate this orchid

please help me to identify this orchid. I...

about 4 years ago.
William Gorski General Discussion Dendrobium Identification

Can someone identify this Dendrobium? Your help is gre...

about 4 years ago.
Darrin Duling General Discussion Stenocoryne x Bifrenaria = Grex name?

I have a plant labeled as Stenocoryne (formerly Bifren...

about 4 years ago.